Friday, July 6, 2007

ORHO Summer Teen Workshop

1Kid attended one of these workshops and came back a different 1Kid :-0


Math's Mam said...

Your so lucky to have those sort of courses available to you and 1 kid is so lucky that you care enough to find out the information and cover the costs to send him on them. So pleased he's matureing just great.

kathiella said...

That sounds great. Can we have more details of what has changed and how it is affecting you and your family

JeanLaninga said...


One purpose of the workshops is to empower teens to help them express their feelings. 1Kid has suffered from some tummy troubles from stress, so I hope this new skill will help him there. Of course, this week has been quite a pendulum swing, as he seems quite full of himself, but L&L is going hand in hand with what he has come back with and I am doing my part in listening, empathizing, and working together to discuss things with him, rather than getting upset. It was a very powerful workshop, many fears, tears, and roadblocks to their future success were shared amongst the group. He is attending a followup workshop again this week.