Monday, June 11, 2007

Update on the Mental Tasks

After the May 26th re-do of the posturography, 1Kid was given his first sets of the exercises with mental tasks. He is having a tough time of them, he keeps wanting to find the answers somewhere in the upper air. It is very difficult to keep his eyes on the object he is tossing, and thinking. He is being a really great sport about it though by doing his best without getting frustrated in the process. He knows it will get easier the more he does them and time goes on, and he seems to have his motivation back for doing them correctly. He is even a good sport, and very understanding about having the hard ticks when they need to be. What is the difficult part is continually finding thing for him to verbalize while coaching him and watching the timer! (Mom cannot multitask very well.) Runescape seems to be a winner for lists today.

1Kid has not allowed me to videoclip him doing the activities yet, as he says it distracts him, and I understand. Hope to get one on here soon, so you can see the challenge of them. It's a lot like rubbing your tummy and patting your head, while reciting the times tables.

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