Saturday, October 28, 2006

Bender Therapy Results are in

I have noticed some interesting results from the Bender therapy (for the STNR reflex) as well. Being more on purpose in my thoughts and my processes and actions. I'm just not mentally drifting off as much. And my short-term memory recall has increased dramatically as well. It's funny, these things literally just kicked in, on one day and have stayed! So, my work day has gone much better, and I'm not as mentally drained, being able to compare a before and after, it is totally mentally draining trying SO HARD to stay on task physically and mentally, having some relief from this symptom is really very wonderful and freeing!

1Kid starts up with Dore again in December, he only had one month before we took off for the Bender Program. They are going to do another mini-assessment with the posturography and eye-tracking, etc, and I am interested to see what improvements come from only one month of Dore, and 6 months of the STNR therapy.

We are both doing a therapy for a reflex (STNR) that is matured through crawling, that when NOT matured, interferes with learning, and causes some of the ADHD symptoms, and both of us have had some relief of some symptoms as well, just from that, and the therapy is no cost at all, just the cost of the book. We are doing this first, as it comes developmentally before the neurological changes that Dore addresses. 1Kid will start up with Dore again on December 13, so hopefully we will have some exciting news as well in a few months.


Anonymous said...

May I ask where to get the info on Bender program? My son is doing DORE exercise. But all the exercise is hard because he moves so much! I thought I should start him on Bender program as well for ADHD. Thanks for any info!

JeanLaninga said...

Anonymous said...
"May I ask where to get the info on Bender program? My son is doing DORE exercise. But all the exercise is hard because he moves so much! I thought I should start him on Bender program as well for ADHD. Thanks for any info!"

Having trouble figuriing out this blog to answer you! The Bender program is from a book called "Stopping ADHD" by Cook and O'Dell.

HOWEVER, If you son is already enrolled in Dore, I would encourage you to stick with it, as I have just this week recieved a very good answer to the question I had a year ago when I was deciding whether to take the Dore hiatus for Bender or not. If I had this answer then, we would be full force into a year of Dore, and not had done the Bender program. But, I made the choice with the best info I could find at the time. When I get permission from the person who wrote it, I would like to post it here and on the forum, as it is a very good answer to the questions one may have on the reflexes and Dore. In a nutshell, if your son tested positive with the Dore evaluation for a positive STNR, the Dore therapy will address that. It's not through 8 months of crawling though, it is accomplished through the exercises that stimulate the cerebellum! And, if your son is fidgety, keep with it. We've all been through the fidgets with our kids on the program. Did you see the link for the ADDF forums threads where us moms talk about all that stuff? you are welcome to join us there, and, you are not alone. These mums are all angels. I would really want to encourage you to stay with what you are doing with Dore, and not change a thing. Although we did get resluts from the Bender therapy, they were not wowing, like the results folks are seeing with Dore. If you stop to do the Bender program, I think the only thing you would do is delay having your son get to his maximum cerebellar function. In other words, I think we wasted our time taking the hiatus to do Bender, but I'm just getting that satisifeid answer now, so I made the best choice I could at the moment,you know? Maybe, if you have not already, talk to the specialist at the Center where you go about your concerns too, they may have some tips about helping the kids to focus while doing the activities. Sorry, that was the long version, but I hope to hear soon about posting that response, so keep an eye here, and let me know if there is anything else I can do.
1Kid's mom. :-)

Sarah said...

I don't know if you are still blogging --- any chance you could summarise why you think Dore over Bender. I know this is a long time ago, and hopefully your DS is well beyond all of this!

But I would really love to know the reasons for your view.